July 29th, 2020

July 29th, 2020

The name “Martha” is used only here in the Scriptures, but “Mary” was a common name in this era. Mary is a form of Miriam, the name of the sister of Moses. We remember Mariam from the story of the Exodus and her song of jubilation when the Israelites safely crossed the Red Sea as they fled from Egypt and slavery. It is probable that the two sisters and their brother were unmarried and were wealthy – or at least independent since neither parents nor vocation is ascribed to them.

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July 22nd, 2020

July 22nd, 2020

Most of us have a favorite saint or two among all the men and women honored in our faith. Today is the Feast Day for St. Mary Magdalene, my absolute favorite saint. She has been a favorite of artists and storytellers since the beginning of Christianity. Artists have painted only Mary, the Mother of Jesus, more times than Mary Magdalene.

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